Friday, February 13, 2009


MCS-022: Operating System Concepts and Networking Management, DEC 2005

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2005

MCS-022: Operating System Concepts and Networking Management

Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 75%)

Note: Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three from the rest.
1. (i) Write a shell script (in Linux) to calculate a factorial of any given number. (7 marks)
(ii) How is multimedia operating system different from a conventional operating system? Elaborate. (5 marks)
(ii) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows? How is ii different from the rest of GUI? (5 marks)
(iv) What are the differences between IP class addresses: A, B, C, D, E? (5 marks)
(v) How will you secure a guest account in Windows 2000? (4 marks)
(vi) Can more than one person use the same user account on a Linux system? Discuss
(4 marks)
(vii) Discuss the various criteria for selecting a UPS for your system. (6 marks)
(viii) List the four computer system vulnerabilities. (4 marks)
2. (i) Explain the working scheme and design principles of DNS through appropriate
diagrams. (15 marks)

(ii) Discuss file management subsystems of Linux (5 marks)

3. (i) What are the goals of computer security? Discuss the main issues in Windows security management (15 marks)
(ii) Define the essential difference between the following: (5 marks)
(a) Spooling
(b) Buffering
4 (i) Briefly describe all the steps in installing the Linux operating system. (15 marks)
(ii) What is the need of a firewall? What are its limitation? (5 marks)
5. (i) Answer the following questions with respect to Windows 2000:
(a) What is the purpose of distributed file system? What are its features? How are the two types of distributed files-roots implemented on Windows 2000 server ? (5 marks)
(b) How does a domain differ from a workgroup? (3 marks)
© When should security groups be used instead of distribution groups? (3 marks)
(ii) Name any five methods of authentication available in Windows operating system and briefly describe. (5 marks)
(iii) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages o Bus and Mesh topologies. (4 marks)


MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2005


Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 3 hours (Weightage 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory Attempt any three questions from the rest. All algorithms should be written nearer to 'C language.

1.(a) Write an algorithm for . the addition of two polynomials in one variable. 10

(b)Define a stack. Explain the operations that can be performed on a stack. How are multiple stacks implemented using arrays ? 10

© Define and give an example of a Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. Write at least two differences between Kruskal's and Prim's Algorithms. 10

(d) Define a heap. Sort the following numbers using Heap Sort 10

2, 3, 81, 64, 4, 25, 36, 16, 9, 49

Clearly write all the steps involved in sorting the numbers

2.(a) Give simplified big-O notation for the following functions : 5

(i) 30 n2 [n square]
(ii) log n+3n

(b) Define dequeue. Write an algorithm for the implementation of a dequeue using arrays. 15

3 (a) Define a tree, and a binary tree. What are the different ways of traversing a binary tree ? Write an algorithm for any one of the traversal methods. 14

(b) Write an algorithm for the implementation of Binary Search. What are its Space and Time complexities ? 6

4. (a) Define an AVL tree. In case an AVL tree becomes unbalanced, how will you balance it ? Explain with example(s). 15

(b) Explain an Indexed Sequential File Organisation. 5

5 (a) Define a Splay tree. Explain the possible splay rotations. 10

(b) Write an algorithm for the implementation of a Singly Linked List 10


MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2005


Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 3 hours (Weightage 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory Attempt any three questions from the rest. All algorithms should be written nearer to 'C language.

1.(a) Write an algorithm for . the addition of two polynomials in one variable. 10

(b)Define a stack. Explain the operations that can be performed on a stack. How are multiple stacks implemented using arrays ? 10

© Define and give an example of a Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. Write at least two differences between Kruskal's and Prim's Algorithms. 10

(d) Define a heap. Sort the following numbers using Heap Sort 10

2, 3, 81, 64, 4, 25, 36, 16, 9, 49

Clearly write all the steps involved in sorting the numbers

2.(a) Give simplified big-O notation for the following functions : 5

(i) 30 n2 [n square]
(ii) log n+3n

(b) Define dequeue. Write an algorithm for the implementation of a dequeue using arrays. 15

3 (a) Define a tree, and a binary tree. What are the different ways of traversing a binary tree ? Write an algorithm for any one of the traversal methods. 14

(b) Write an algorithm for the implementation of Binary Search. What are its Space and Time complexities ? 6

4. (a) Define an AVL tree. In case an AVL tree becomes unbalanced, how will you balance it ? Explain with example(s). 15

(b) Explain an Indexed Sequential File Organisation. 5

5 (a) Define a Splay tree. Explain the possible splay rotations. 10

(b) Write an algorithm for the implementation of a Singly Linked List 10



MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

Note : Answer all questions.

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it :

Finally, a virus infects a worm and it has nothing to do with computers. But it does have a lot to do with humans. Courtney Wilkins, a microbiology and immunology student at the University of Arkansas, successfully infected the ... elegans earthworm with the mammalian vesicular stomatitis virus and had it replicate. Others had tried and failed before and Wilkins' breakthrough will let researchers learn more about how viruses move from one host to another, and what proteins they attach to jn humans. Some cells in C elegans, a microscopic earthworm commonly used in biomedical research, are similar to some human cells.

“There were a lot of labs interested in whether this could work, so it just seemed pretty exciting,”- she said Since January 2002, Wilkins began studying whether she
could infect the worms with a virus and have the virus spread. She usually worked with muscle or intestinal cells and eventually settled on using the vesicular stomatitis virus. The virus is related to rabies and similar to foot-and-mouth disease and mostly infects livestock. Wilkins said. It took three to four months to establish the cell cultures. Khaled Machaca, one of Wilkins' advisers and a professor of cell biology, said the experiment wasn't without its rough spots. He said that there were points when he had to remind Wilkins that her decision to undertake the research was a risky one, because it was
unknown whether it would work. And that meant Wilkins" degree was at stake, because her career could be stopped if nothing came of the research, he said. After two years, it was clear that Wilkins was successful in her experiment. Wilkins remembered discovering about 9 pm, one night in 2004 that the VSV had replicated inside the worm cell. She immediately called Marie Chow, a professor of virology and another advisor. "Courtney gets so excited that she starts to stutter, “. Chow said, "She couldn't get the words out, so we knew there was something to it,” she said.

(i) How was the research mentioned in the passage a risky proposition ? 2
(ii) What was the outcome of the research ? 1
(iii) What was the researcher’s reaction to the outcome of the research ? Why was it so ? 2+2
(iv) Find out a word from the passage which has similar meaning as 'spread'. 1
(v) Use livestock' and 'rough spots' in a sentence each of your own to bring out their specific meanings. 2

2. Fill in the blanks choosing the most suitable word from the choices given : 5

(i) They moved ______ their new house two years back, (round/on/over/into)
(ii) Be careful. Your gun should not go _______ accidentally, (away/off/over/on)
(iii) The Government was determined to push the legislation __________ . (through/in/on/off)
(iv) I ran ________ an old friend in Amsterdam. (out/through/into/up)
(v) The flight could not take __________ in time because of the fog. (on/off/up/away)

3. Write down the text of a group discussion between four participants on the need for more strict quality control measures in India. (About 500 words) 10

4. You are Nihal Chand, Managing Director, Purifiers India Ltd. Write a Memo to all the three Managers (sales, Production and Finance) to hold a meeting with them, in a week’s time, for the yearly review of the Company. 10

5. Write a letter of application, together with your Curriculum Vitae (CV) for the job in response to the following advertisement:

“COBOL Programmers, with a minimum 2 years’ experience required by a well known Data Processing Company in Delhi. Apply within 10 days to Box 65, New Delhi-110068."