Friday, February 13, 2009

MCS-022: Operating System Concepts and Networking Management, DEC 2005

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2005

MCS-022: Operating System Concepts and Networking Management

Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 75%)

Note: Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three from the rest.
1. (i) Write a shell script (in Linux) to calculate a factorial of any given number. (7 marks)
(ii) How is multimedia operating system different from a conventional operating system? Elaborate. (5 marks)
(ii) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows? How is ii different from the rest of GUI? (5 marks)
(iv) What are the differences between IP class addresses: A, B, C, D, E? (5 marks)
(v) How will you secure a guest account in Windows 2000? (4 marks)
(vi) Can more than one person use the same user account on a Linux system? Discuss
(4 marks)
(vii) Discuss the various criteria for selecting a UPS for your system. (6 marks)
(viii) List the four computer system vulnerabilities. (4 marks)
2. (i) Explain the working scheme and design principles of DNS through appropriate
diagrams. (15 marks)

(ii) Discuss file management subsystems of Linux (5 marks)

3. (i) What are the goals of computer security? Discuss the main issues in Windows security management (15 marks)
(ii) Define the essential difference between the following: (5 marks)
(a) Spooling
(b) Buffering
4 (i) Briefly describe all the steps in installing the Linux operating system. (15 marks)
(ii) What is the need of a firewall? What are its limitation? (5 marks)
5. (i) Answer the following questions with respect to Windows 2000:
(a) What is the purpose of distributed file system? What are its features? How are the two types of distributed files-roots implemented on Windows 2000 server ? (5 marks)
(b) How does a domain differ from a workgroup? (3 marks)
© When should security groups be used instead of distribution groups? (3 marks)
(ii) Name any five methods of authentication available in Windows operating system and briefly describe. (5 marks)
(iii) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages o Bus and Mesh topologies. (4 marks)

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